Buy 1 Give 1

We started BirkSun so we could use solar to charge the thing we charge the most...our smartphone. This holiday season, we want to give the gift of solar to those that need it most in developing countries around the world.

Rather than a flash sale promoting excess consumption, we want to give BirkSun customers the opportunity to light the way towards a brighter future.

Solar Sister


We partnered with Solar Sister to donate one BirkSun for every purchase made on Black Friday through Cyber Monday. Solar Sister helps eradicate energy poverty by empowering woman to start businesses in the most rural communities in Africa. Solar backpacks are very useful in keeping their cell phone charged on the go as many women walk miles between wall outlets.

All orders placed Black Friday (11/27) through Cyber Monday (11/30) will receive a follow up e-mail detailing who their one for one donation has benefited with a personal thank you note.


Gone Solar. Be Back Never.